July 11, 2005

Social Software Seminar (September)

I am pleased to say that I shall be running an event on social software in Sunderland in September, in association with the Woodholmes Group and the Big Ideas Centre.

There are a few details to be confirmed however the agenda will be broadly looking at social software, including blogging, folksonomies, podcasting, vidcasting, wikis, social bookmarks and networking sites. The main focus will be on how these are affecting business from an external and internal perspective, together with some practical tips on how to get started making use of the technologies.

If you are interested or want further information please drop me an email. There will be further annoucnments nearer to the event.

Have to say I am looking forward to it immensely

Posted by Paul Goodison at July 11, 2005 02:52 PM | TrackBack

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