I’m writing this sat in my garden, contemplating how like so many cataclysmic works of fiction the world currently feels like.
And yet, the sky is azure with no clouds and there is a nice chill breeze, bird song and the sound of cars driving past, people walking along the road chatting and one or more neighbours doing DIY.

So whilst the current situation of Covid-19 and it’s consequences are negatively impacting everyone, not everything is terrible. Positives are to be found.
I’ve been reading far more, which is wonderful, especially as that includes comics and graphic novels that I’ve been meaning to get to forever.
I’ve had time with my family to just be and experience life rather than charging around from one thing to the next.
I’ve reorganised my comic collection and books, and started using my office for the first time since I moved here five years ago. And rediscovered some old favourite comics (Kane from Paul Grist, which incidentally is getting some new stories at some point this year) and finally, finally reading the Discworld series which I started in 1989 and stopped in 1994 despite buying each book as it was published. I miss Terry Pratchett. He would have written something quite brilliant about this Pandemic. Scathingly witty and eminently sensible.
I’m going back to reading some GNs now, Lazarus by Rucka, Lark & Arcas. Let’s see what treats await…